Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Professional Home Cleaning Reduces the Health Risk of Mould

A briefing paper for the Canterbury District Health Board, said: “The housing environment (in New Zealand) is a key setting with impacts on human health. Housing factors which contribute significantly to health outcomes include temperature, humidity and ventilation, overcrowding, affordability and fuel poverty.” 

The paper further said that direct effects of cold homes on health included excess mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory disease amongst the elderly, increased respiratory problems in children, increased illnesses such as colds and flu, mental health problems and the exacerbation of conditions such as arthritis. 

Humidity level in your house is thus a decisive factor on human health. High humidity reduces indoor temperatures during winter, paving way for cold home conditions which adversely affect your health. The saturation of moisture content causes dampness, which leads to the over growth of mould and dust mites in your homes.

How to get rid of mould
Mould will grow in often neglected places such as wardrobes, under carpets, behind curtains and furniture in humid conditions. A quality home cleaning service will check these problematic areas and remove all traces of mould and mildew during the cleaning process. However, when you clean your home yourself, it is highly likely that you may overlook such matters.

Here’s a DIY method to kill visible mould: Apply methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) to the affected area, and let it remain there for half an hour. Repeat this process once more and see that signs of the mould have disappeared.  Finally, wipe the area with a clean cloth to completely remove mould spores. Throw away the cloth after use to prevent any leftover mould spores growing back.

Lemons and green home cleaning
Lemons can be used as a good natural cleaning substance, which will also leave your house smelling fresh. The citric acid in lemon makes it a strong disinfectant. It has also low pH and antibacterial properties. Harsh and toxic chemicals in many cleaning products will have negative effects on your health, so it’s good to resort to natural cleaners.

Stove cleaning: Stove gets dirty if you don’t clean it regularly. Take a lemon piece and rub it over the stove surface; then sprinkle some baking soda and using a soft sponge, begin to scrub. When hard stains are loosened, wipe the surface with a cotton cloth to get perfect clean.

Microwave cleaning: Take half cup of water into a microwave-safe bowl. Mix it with the juice of half of a lemon.  Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it for 3 minutes or until it boils. Now, let the boiled lemon water stay in the microwave for five to 10 minutes to kill all the bacteria and remove bad smell. The vapours will help to loosen up stubborn stains and any food particles stuck in the oven. Now open the microwave door and clean it with a damp cloth.

Residential cleaning
Till recently, the demand for house and apartment-cleaning services was most popular with people of higher than average wealth looking for a little more free time – especially in two-income households. Market research conducted a few years before said that married couples with college degrees, 45 years old or older, always depend on reputed home cleaning service in New Zealand.

However, the latest trend shows that people of all walks of life are inclined to avoid the cleaning chores in their daily routine because everybody can now afford reliable house cleaning services in New Zealand.

Select Home Cleaning provides professional home cleaning service in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Wellington and Christchurch - dependable and affordable award winning home cleaning by fully trained owner operators. Call a home cleaner now on 0800 000 907 for a cleaning job or for a free quote on house cleaning.

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