Tuesday, 25 April 2017

The Need for Creating a Workable Home Cleaning Schedule

A research about people’s housekeeping behaviour published recently said only one in three persons has a set home cleaning schedule. The rest, that is around 62%, admit that they do the house cleaning chores as and when they find time.  In the survey, about 42% said they want to do it as fast as possible because they always have other important commitments to attend to.

Today everybody leads a busy life and it naturally gets in the way of house cleaning routines too. More people thus attempt the cleaning task when they have time rather than pre-planning in advance. Also, several people now depend on a professional home cleaning service to do it most efficiently. Oven cleaning, toilet cleaning and window cleaning are normally outsourced.

A whopping 67% of people who attended the survey said cleaning the oven is the thing they disliked most. Around 47% ticked toilet cleaning and 41% stood against window cleaning as their top dislikes among house cleaning tasks.

We know that the word cleaning makes you feel a bit nervous. Try to make monthly, weekly and daily house cleaning schedules and you’ll see that it becomes little bit easier and sensible that way. 

Make a list of cleaning chores that need to fall on your daily house cleaning checklist. Making beds, managing the dishwasher, washing & ironing the clothes, bathroom cleaning etc., - say anything that could get out of control if ignored on a daily basis, should be on your daily house cleaning list.

Dusting and vacuuming the living rooms, thorough cleaning of the countertops in the kitchen and may be removing unwanted items from the refrigerator etc. can fill up the weekly cleaning schedule. Then for the monthly cleaning tasks, include closets, pantries, the fridge, laundry rooms, guest rooms and garages etc.

Economic growth hints good prospect for the cleaning industry

Westpac’s Acting Chief Economist Michael Gordon said a couple of months back that the New Zealand economy is something of a sweet spot so far this year. His introduction to the bank’s latest Quarterly Economic Overview states: “The economy has been growing at a steady pace for some time, and a strong pipeline of building work and an improvement in dairy prices will help to keep that momentum going.”

Economic experts at Westpac are hopeful that annual GDP growth will reach 3% over the next couple of years. They attribute this high growth rate to a wave of building work progresses and higher dairy prices providing the much needed relief to rural regions.

The above growth rate is also confirmed by Euromonitor international’s home care in New Zealand report published in April, 2017. It says a housing boom is expected to drive growth this year. It clarifies that home care is expected to positively benefit from the expected increase in new build houses, especially in the Auckland region, as well as the continuing strong overall population growth rate of two percent.  In accordance with this population growth and building construction growth, laundry care and home cleaning sectors will be witnessing overall growth.

Ask the Select Clean experts what cleaning schedule you should follow to maintain proper order in your home. With a bit of home organization and know-how, you can prevent the daily cleaning chore piling up.  Scheduling the house cleaning task and dividing it among family members is a great idea to work together and finish the work fast.  Call the home cleaner professionals at times and on special occasions so that any mistakes in your cleaning technique will be compensated and your house will sparkle again.

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